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Digital Printing Services

Full Colour Sewn Perfect Binding Booklet
Full Colour Sewn Perfect Binding Booklet
Full Colour Sewn Perfect Binding Booklet
Full Colour Sewn Perfect Binding Booklet

Full Colour Sewn Perfect Binding Booklet

Swen perfect binding booklett is suitable for books with more pages. The binding is geerally stronger than saddle stitching which more durable. This usually used in  dictionaries, encyclopedias, novels and other thick  booklet. 
Offset printing is suitable for a large quantity, and the price is also cheaper in large qunatity. Offset printing is colorful and detailed. You can choose single color or full color as your needs. 

Product Information

e-print provides Booklet / Brochure / Catalog / Pamphlet printing services with different binding options, including Saddle Stitching, Perfect Binding and Sewn Perfect Binding. You can print your book by black & white or full colour with different turning style. e-print also provides free paper cartons packaging which let you pick up your book easily and safely.

Lead Time:At least 7 working days

Price List - A4 Size Upright Orientated

10% out
QTY. 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs 4000 pcs 5000 pcs
32PP $6,019 $6,313 $6,607 $6,996 $8,022 $9,450 $11,382 $13,283
40PP $7,211 $7,544 $7,872 $8,294 $9,429 $11,277 $13,818 $16,643
48PP $8,161 $8,603 $9,050 $9,669 $11,235 $13,388 $16,422 $19,740
56PP $9,353 $9,834 $10,315 $10,967 $12,642 $15,372 $19,278 $23,205
64PP $10,305 $10,894 $11,486 $12,342 $14,469 $17,483 $21,924 $26,355
72PP $11,496 $12,124 $12,751 $14,080 $16,800 $21,105 $24,780 $29,768
80PP $12,448 $13,185 $13,924 $15,015 $17,682 $21,830 $27,384 $32,918
88PP $13,639 $14,414 $15,189 $16,940 $19,236 $24,129 $30,240 $36,383
96PP $14,592 $15,475 $16,360 $17,688 $21,063 $26,208 $32,844 $39,533
104PP $15,782 $16,705 $17,625 $18,986 $22,764 $28,476 $35,700 $42,945
112PP $16,733 $17,765 $18,798 $20,361 $24,570 $30,587 $38,346 $46,095
120PP $17,926 $18,995 $20,063 $21,659 $26,460 $32,855 $41,202 $49,560
128PP $18,876 $20,055 $21,234 $23,034 $28,077 $34,934 $43,806 $52,658
136PP $20,068 $21,285 $22,499 $24,332 $29,778 $37,233 $46,662 $56,123
144PP $21,020 $22,345 $23,678 $25,707 $31,605 $39,312 $49,308 $59,273
152PP $22,212 $23,576 $24,943 $27,005 $33,285 $41,580 $52,164 $62,738
160PP $23,163 $24,637 $26,115 $28,380 $35,112 $43,691 $54,768 $65,835
168PP $24,354 $25,867 $27,379 $29,689 $36,792 $45,959 $57,624 $69,300
176PP $25,307 $26,927 $28,552 $31,064 $38,619 $48,038 $60,228 $72,450
184PP $26,497 $28,157 $29,817 $32,516 $40,550 $50,440 $63,239 $76,073
192PP $27,448 $29,220 $30,989 $33,891 $42,172 $52,457 $65,769 $79,115
cover 210g 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs 4000 pcs 5000 pcs
4PP+32PP $7,268 $7,666 $8,054 $8,641 $10,553 $12,695 $15,230 $17,719
4PP+40PP $8,460 $8,897 $9,319 $9,939 $11,960 $14,522 $17,666 $21,079
4PP+48PP $9,410 $9,956 $10,497 $11,314 $13,766 $16,633 $20,270 $24,176
4PP+56PP $10,602 $11,187 $11,762 $12,612 $15,173 $18,617 $23,126 $27,641
4PP+64PP $11,554 $12,247 $12,933 $13,987 $17,000 $20,728 $25,772 $30,791
4PP+72PP $12,745 $13,477 $14,198 $15,725 $19,331 $24,350 $28,628 $34,204
4PP+80PP $13,697 $14,538 $15,371 $16,660 $20,213 $25,075 $31,232 $37,354
4PP+88PP $14,888 $15,767 $16,636 $18,585 $21,767 $27,374 $34,088 $40,819
4PP+96PP $15,841 $16,828 $17,807 $19,333 $23,594 $29,453 $36,692 $43,969
4PP+104PP $17,031 $18,058 $19,072 $20,631 $25,295 $31,721 $39,548 $47,381
4PP+112PP $17,982 $19,118 $20,245 $22,006 $27,101 $33,832 $42,194 $50,531
4PP+120PP $19,175 $20,348 $21,510 $23,304 $28,991 $36,100 $45,050 $53,996
4PP+128PP $20,125 $21,408 $22,681 $24,679 $30,608 $38,179 $47,654 $57,094
4PP+136PP $21,317 $22,638 $23,946 $25,977 $32,309 $40,478 $50,510 $60,559
4PP+144PP $22,269 $23,698 $25,125 $27,352 $34,136 $42,557 $53,156 $63,709
4PP+152PP $23,461 $24,929 $26,390 $28,650 $35,816 $44,825 $56,012 $67,174
4PP+160PP $24,412 $25,990 $27,562 $30,025 $37,643 $46,936 $58,616 $70,271
4PP+168PP $25,603 $27,220 $28,826 $31,334 $39,323 $49,204 $61,472 $73,736
4PP+176PP $26,556 $28,280 $29,999 $32,709 $41,150 $51,283 $64,076 $76,886
4PP+184PP $27,746 $29,510 $31,264 $34,161 $43,081 $53,685 $67,087 $80,509
4PP+192PP $28,697 $30,573 $32,436 $35,536 $44,703 $55,702 $69,617 $83,551
cover 250g 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs 4000 pcs 5000 pcs
4PP+32PP $7,301 $7,699 $8,120 $8,762 $10,747 $12,857 $15,451 $17,987
4PP+40PP $8,493 $8,930 $9,385 $10,060 $12,154 $14,684 $17,887 $21,347
4PP+48PP $9,443 $9,989 $10,563 $11,435 $13,960 $16,795 $20,491 $24,444
4PP+56PP $10,635 $11,220 $11,828 $12,733 $15,367 $18,779 $23,347 $27,909
4PP+64PP $11,587 $12,280 $12,999 $14,108 $17,194 $20,890 $25,993 $31,059
4PP+72PP $12,778 $13,510 $14,264 $15,846 $19,525 $24,512 $28,849 $34,472
4PP+80PP $13,730 $14,571 $15,437 $16,781 $20,407 $25,237 $31,453 $37,622
4PP+88PP $14,921 $15,800 $16,702 $18,706 $21,961 $27,536 $34,309 $41,087
4PP+96PP $15,874 $16,861 $17,873 $19,454 $23,788 $29,615 $36,913 $44,237
4PP+104PP $17,064 $18,091 $19,138 $20,752 $25,489 $31,883 $39,769 $47,649
4PP+112PP $18,015 $19,151 $20,311 $22,127 $27,295 $33,994 $42,415 $50,799
4PP+120PP $19,208 $20,381 $21,576 $23,425 $29,185 $36,262 $45,271 $54,264
4PP+128PP $20,158 $21,441 $22,747 $24,800 $30,802 $38,341 $47,875 $57,362
4PP+136PP $21,350 $22,671 $24,012 $26,098 $32,503 $40,640 $50,731 $60,827
4PP+144PP $22,302 $23,731 $25,191 $27,473 $34,330 $42,719 $53,377 $63,977
4PP+152PP $23,494 $24,962 $26,456 $28,771 $36,010 $44,987 $56,233 $67,442
4PP+160PP $24,445 $26,023 $27,628 $30,146 $37,837 $47,098 $58,837 $70,539
4PP+168PP $25,636 $27,253 $28,892 $31,455 $39,517 $49,366 $61,693 $74,004
4PP+176PP $26,589 $28,313 $30,065 $32,830 $41,344 $51,445 $64,297 $77,154
4PP+184PP $27,779 $29,543 $31,330 $34,282 $43,275 $53,847 $67,308 $80,777
4PP+192PP $28,730 $30,606 $32,502 $35,657 $44,897 $55,864 $69,838 $83,819
cover 300g 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs 4000 pcs 5000 pcs
4PP+32PP $7,334 $7,771 $8,191 $8,866 $10,941 $13,183 $15,839 $18,423
4PP+40PP $8,526 $9,002 $9,456 $10,164 $12,348 $15,010 $18,275 $21,783
4PP+48PP $9,476 $10,061 $10,634 $11,539 $14,154 $17,121 $20,879 $24,880
4PP+56PP $10,668 $11,292 $11,899 $12,837 $15,561 $19,105 $23,735 $28,345
4PP+64PP $11,620 $12,352 $13,070 $14,212 $17,388 $21,216 $26,381 $31,495
4PP+72PP $12,811 $13,582 $14,335 $15,950 $19,719 $24,838 $29,237 $34,908
4PP+80PP $13,763 $14,643 $15,508 $16,885 $20,601 $25,563 $31,841 $38,058
4PP+88PP $14,954 $15,872 $16,773 $18,810 $22,155 $27,862 $34,697 $41,523
4PP+96PP $15,907 $16,933 $17,944 $19,558 $23,982 $29,941 $37,301 $44,673
4PP+104PP $17,097 $18,163 $19,209 $20,856 $25,683 $32,209 $40,157 $48,085
4PP+112PP $18,048 $19,223 $20,382 $22,231 $27,489 $34,320 $42,803 $51,235
4PP+120PP $19,241 $20,453 $21,647 $23,529 $29,379 $36,588 $45,659 $54,700
4PP+128PP $20,191 $21,513 $22,818 $24,904 $30,996 $38,667 $48,263 $57,798
4PP+136PP $21,383 $22,743 $24,083 $26,202 $32,697 $40,966 $51,119 $61,263
4PP+144PP $22,335 $23,803 $25,262 $27,577 $34,524 $43,045 $53,765 $64,413
4PP+152PP $23,527 $25,034 $26,527 $28,875 $36,204 $45,313 $56,621 $67,878
4PP+160PP $24,478 $26,095 $27,699 $30,250 $38,031 $47,424 $59,225 $70,975
4PP+168PP $25,669 $27,325 $28,963 $31,559 $39,711 $49,692 $62,081 $74,440
4PP+176PP $26,622 $28,385 $30,136 $32,934 $41,538 $51,771 $64,685 $77,590
4PP+184PP $27,812 $29,615 $31,401 $34,386 $43,469 $54,173 $67,696 $81,213
4PP+192PP $28,763 $30,678 $32,573 $35,761 $45,091 $56,190 $70,226 $84,255

* Requirements for "Booklets 10% OFF Discount":
1. Size: A4 - A5
2. No. of Page: Within 144PP for Perfect Binding Booklets Within 192PP for Sewn Perfect Binding Booklets
3. QTY.: Less than 3,000pcs  *Discount only available to standard booklet
4. Paper Material: 80, 100, 120g Woodfree and 128g Gloss / Matt Art
5. Paper for Perfect Binding and Sewn Perfect Binding Booklets only.

Price List - A5 Size Upright Orientated

10% out
QTY. 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs 4000 pcs 5000 pcs
32PP $4,431 $4,626 $4,817 $5,049 $5,712 $6,584 $7,560 $8,768
40PP $5,181 $5,375 $5,567 $6,039 $6,867 $8,001 $9,282 $11,130
48PP $5,755 $5,998 $6,243 $6,523 $7,329 $8,631 $10,332 $12,495
56PP $6,507 $6,750 $6,994 $7,513 $8,484 $10,206 $12,474 $15,015
64PP $7,129 $7,515 $7,906 $8,448 $9,828 $11,750 $14,280 $17,273
72PP $7,879 $8,268 $8,657 $9,438 $10,983 $13,608 $16,422 $19,793
80PP $8,454 $8,891 $9,327 $9,922 $11,466 $14,207 $17,472 $21,105
88PP $9,204 $9,639 $10,077 $10,912 $12,768 $16,065 $19,614 $23,625
96PP $9,826 $10,409 $10,990 $11,858 $14,112 $17,640 $21,378 $25,935
104PP $10,578 $11,161 $11,740 $12,848 $15,561 $19,499 $23,562 $28,403
112PP $11,152 $11,781 $12,417 $13,321 $16,023 $20,097 $24,570 $29,768
120PP $11,902 $12,533 $13,167 $14,311 $17,472 $21,956 $26,754 $32,288
128PP $12,525 $13,302 $14,080 $15,257 $18,816 $23,499 $28,518 $34,545
136PP $13,276 $14,276 $14,830 $16,247 $20,265 $25,358 $30,702 $37,065
144PP $13,850 $14,674 $15,500 $16,731 $20,748 $25,988 $31,710 $38,430
152PP $14,600 $15,426 $16,251 $17,721 $22,176 $27,815 $33,852 $40,898
160PP $15,223 $16,195 $17,163 $18,656 $23,541 $29,390 $35,658 $43,208
168PP $15,974 $16,944 $17,915 $19,657 $24,969 $31,248 $37,800 $45,728
176PP $16,547 $17,568 $18,585 $20,141 $25,452 $31,847 $38,850 $47,040
184PP $17,299 $18,319 $19,335 $21,285 $26,880 $33,705 $40,992 $49,560
192PP $17,922 $19,085 $20,253 $22,220 $28,245 $35,280 $42,798 $51,818
cover 210g 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs 4000 pcs 5000 pcs
4PP+32PP $5,669 $5,908 $6,170 $6,512 $7,397 $8,920 $10201 $11797
4PP+40PP $6,419 $6,657 $6,920 $7,502 $8,552 $10,337 $11923 $14159
4PP+48PP $6,993 $7,280 $7,596 $7,986 $9,014 $10,967 $12973 $15524
4PP+56PP $7,745 $8,032 $8,347 $8,976 $10,169 $12,542 $15115 $18044
4PP+64PP $8,367 $8,797 $9,259 $9,911 $11,513 $14,086 $16921 $20302
4PP+72PP $9,117 $9,550 $10,010 $10,901 $12,668 $15,944 $19063 $22822
4PP+80PP $9,692 $10,173 $10,680 $11,385 $13,151 $16,543 $20113 $24134
4PP+88PP $10,442 $10,921 $11,430 $12,375 $14,453 $18,401 $22255 $26654
4PP+96PP $11,064 $11,691 $12,343 $13,321 $15,797 $19,976 $24019 $28964
4PP+104PP $11,816 $12,443 $13,093 $14,311 $17,246 $21,835 $26203 $31432
4PP+112PP $12,390 $13,063 $13,770 $14,784 $17,708 $22,433 $27211 $32797
4PP+120PP $13,140 $13,815 $14,520 $15,774 $19,157 $24,292 $29395 $35317
4PP+128PP $13,763 $14,584 $15,433 $16,720 $20,501 $25,835 $31159 $37574
4PP+136PP $14,514 $15,558 $16,183 $17,710 $21,950 $27,694 $33343 $40094
4PP+144PP $15,088 $15,956 $16,853 $18,194 $22,433 $28,324 $34351 $41459
4PP+152PP $15,838 $16,708 $17,604 $19,184 $23,861 $30,151 $36493 $43927
4PP+160PP $16,461 $17,477 $18,516 $20,119 $25,226 $31,726 $38299 $46237
4PP+168PP $17,212 $18,226 $19,268 $21,120 $26,654 $33,584 $40441 $48757
4PP+176PP $17,785 $18,850 $19,938 $21,604 $27,137 $34,183 $41491 $50069
4PP+184PP $18,537 $19,601 $20,688 $22,748 $28,565 $36,041 $43633 $52589
4PP+192PP $19,160 $20,367 $21,606 $23,683 $29,930 $37,616 $45439 $54847
cover 250g 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs 4000 pcs 5000 pcs
4PP+32PP $5,691 $5,941 $6,203 $6,578 $7,487 $9,020 $10327 $11960
4PP+40PP $6,441 $6,690 $6,953 $7,568 $8,642 $10,437 $12049 $14322
4PP+48PP $7,015 $7,313 $7,629 $8,052 $9,104 $11,067 $13099 $15687
4PP+56PP $7,767 $8,065 $8,380 $9,042 $10,259 $12,642 $15241 $18207
4PP+64PP $8,389 $8,830 $9,292 $9,977 $11,603 $14,186 $17047 $20465
4PP+72PP $9,139 $9,583 $10,043 $10,967 $12,758 $16,044 $19189 $22985
4PP+80PP $9,714 $10,206 $10,713 $11,451 $13,241 $16,643 $20239 $24297
4PP+88PP $10,464 $10,954 $11,463 $12,441 $14,543 $18,501 $22381 $26817
4PP+96PP $11,086 $11,724 $12,376 $13,387 $15,887 $20,076 $24145 $29127
4PP+104PP $11,838 $12,476 $13,126 $14,377 $17,336 $21,935 $26329 $31595
4PP+112PP $12,412 $13,096 $13,803 $14,850 $17,798 $22,533 $27337 $32960
4PP+120PP $13,162 $13,848 $14,553 $15,840 $19,247 $24,392 $29521 $35480
4PP+128PP $13,785 $14,617 $15,466 $16,786 $20,591 $25,935 $31285 $37737
4PP+136PP $14,536 $15,591 $16,216 $17,776 $22,040 $27,794 $33469 $40257
4PP+144PP $15,110 $15,989 $16,886 $18,260 $22,523 $28,424 $34477 $41622
4PP+152PP $15,860 $16,741 $17,637 $19,250 $23,951 $30,251 $36619 $44090
4PP+160PP $16,483 $17,510 $18,549 $20,185 $25,316 $31,826 $38425 $46400
4PP+168PP $17,234 $18,259 $19,301 $21,186 $26,744 $33,684 $40567 $48920
4PP+176PP $17,807 $18,883 $19,971 $21,670 $27,227 $34,283 $41617 $50232
4PP+184PP $18,559 $19,634 $20,721 $22,814 $28,655 $36,141 $43759 $52752
4PP+192PP $19,182 $20,400 $21,639 $23,749 $30,020 $37,716 $45565 $55010
cover 300g 100 pcs 300 pcs 500 pcs 1000 pcs 2000 pcs 3000 pcs 4000 pcs 5000 pcs
4PP+32PP $5,713 $5,979 $6,264 $6,661 $7,618 $9,178 $10500 $12175
4PP+40PP $6,463 $6,728 $7,014 $7,651 $8,773 $10,595 $12222 $14537
4PP+48PP $7,037 $7,351 $7,690 $8,135 $9,235 $11,225 $13272 $15902
4PP+56PP $7,789 $8,103 $8,441 $9,125 $10,390 $12,800 $15414 $18422
4PP+64PP $8,411 $8,868 $9,353 $10,060 $11,734 $14,344 $17220 $20680
4PP+72PP $9,161 $9,621 $10,104 $11,050 $12,889 $16,202 $19362 $23200
4PP+80PP $9,736 $10,244 $10,774 $11,534 $13,372 $16,801 $20412 $24512
4PP+88PP $10,486 $10,992 $11,524 $12,524 $14,674 $18,659 $22554 $27032
4PP+96PP $11,108 $11,762 $12,437 $13,470 $16,018 $20,234 $24318 $29342
4PP+104PP $11,860 $12,514 $13,187 $14,460 $17,467 $22,093 $26502 $31810
4PP+112PP $12,434 $13,134 $13,864 $14,933 $17,929 $22,691 $27510 $33175
4PP+120PP $13,184 $13,886 $14,614 $15,923 $19,378 $24,550 $29694 $35695
4PP+128PP $13,807 $14,655 $15,527 $16,869 $20,722 $26,093 $31458 $37952
4PP+136PP $14,558 $15,629 $16,277 $17,859 $22,171 $27,952 $33642 $40472
4PP+144PP $15,132 $16,027 $16,947 $18,343 $22,654 $28,582 $34650 $41837
4PP+152PP $15,882 $16,779 $17,698 $19,333 $24,082 $30,409 $36792 $44305
4PP+160PP $16,505 $17,548 $18,610 $20,268 $25,447 $31,984 $38598 $46615
4PP+168PP $17,256 $18,297 $19,362 $21,269 $26,875 $33,842 $40740 $49135
4PP+176PP $17,829 $18,921 $20,032 $21,753 $27,358 $34,441 $41790 $50447
4PP+184PP $18,581 $19,672 $20,782 $22,897 $28,786 $36,299 $43932 $52967
4PP+192PP $19,204 $20,438 $21,700 $23,832 $30,151 $37,874 $45738 $55225

* Requirements for "Booklets 10% OFF Discount":
1. Size: A4 - A5
2. No. of Page: Within 144PP for Perfect Binding Booklets Within 192PP for Sewn Perfect Binding Booklets
3. QTY.: Less than 3,000pcs *Discount only available to standard booklet
4. Paper Material: 80, 100, 120g Woodfree and 128g Gloss / Matt Art
5. Paper for Perfect Binding and Sewn Perfect Binding Booklets only.

Available processing

Foil Stamping
Foil Stamping

Available paper

Gloss Art Paper
Gloss Art Paper
( 128g / 157g)
Woodfree Paper
Woodfree Paper
( 80g / 100g / 120g / 140g )
Matt Art Paper
Matt Art Paper
( 128g / 157g)
Double-Sided Coated Art Paper
Double-Sided Coated Art Paper
( 210g / 250g / 300g )

Lead Time

7 working days
*Except for items with finishing, start from the date when customers confirm the proof

+2 working day for Size A4 or below and Qty beween 3,000 and 10,000

Turning Style of Book

Landscape Orientated: Turning Style of Book - Landscape Orientated - Western Turning Style Turning Style of Book - Landscape Orientated - Chinese Turning Style Turning Style of Book - Landscape Orientated - Calendar Turning Style
Upright Orientated: Turning Style of Book - Upright Orientated - Western Turning Style Turning Style of Book - Upright Orientated - Chinese Turning Style Turning Style of Book - Upright Orientated - Calendar Turning Style


Yes, you can choose booklet printing for your novels, e-print provides different kinds of booklet printing, such as Saddle Stitching Booklet, Perfect Binding Booklet and Sewn Perfect Binding Booklet. For special paper, please provide details for further quotation.
Most of the basic finishing items are suitable for e-print booklet printing, such as hot stamping, lamination, spot UV and etc. For other special finishings, please send us details for quotation.
The size of the booklets printing at e-print is not limited to our standard size A4, A5 and A6. You can also customize the size, please specify the size when ordering.
In addition to online paper previews, we offer physical paper samples. You are welcome to visit our branch and request them.
There are some information about the spine of the booklet at e-print perfect binding booklet, please refer the page for reference before output.
Yes, please provide details (shape and thickness of the pocket) for further quotation.

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