
Digital Printing Services

3D Spot UV

Product Information

3D Spot UV not only has the traditional UV effect, but also has a stereoscopic effect, which making the printing products more unique. 3D Spot UV provides even details compared to traditional UV, making it particularly effective for adding line textures on printing products.

e-print's 3D spot UV used new technology to create a more stereoscopic and intricate UV effect. It achieves superior results, particularly on thick card materials. It suitable incorporate special textures on the printing product to show a unique style.

3D spot UV is particularly suitable for small quantities, offering greater flexibility and a wider range of choices.

Price List

3D spot UV Single-sided
UV area within 210 x 297mm to 297 x 420mm
QTY 20x20mm 50x40mm 90x50mm 90x110mm 90x150mm 190x150mm 200x280mm
5 pcs $128 $128 $128 $128 $128 $130 $130
10 pcs $128 $128 $128 $130 $130 $130 $130
20 pcs $130 $130 $130 $130 $140 $140 $140
30 pcs $130 $130 $140 $140 $140 $140 $210
40 pcs $130 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $210
50 pcs $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $210
100 pcs $140 $140 $140 $140 $140 $210 $378
200 pcs $140 $140 $140 $210 $210 $378 $700
500 pcs $140 $210 $210 $378 $476 $910 $1,708
1,000 pcs $210 $266 $406 $714 $924 $1,789 $3,388

3D spot UV Informaiton

Maximum size of paper: Maximum  297 x 420mm
Minimum size of paper: Minimum 210x297mm
The prices of single-sided, Work and Turn are listed in the above table. Sheetwise is calculated as single sides x 2.
Apply matetrial of page: Paper :210g, 250g, 300g, 350g Double-Sided Coated Art Paper

Note for Spot UV

1. Please provide a layer for Spot UV in your artwork.
2. Please do not add blend or other special effect in the UV layer.
3. In order to print the Spot UV accurately, please boarden the part with Spot UV.
4. The prices of single-sided, Work and Turn are listed in the above table. Sheetwise is calculated as single sides x 2.

Lead Time

+2 working day (Spot UV)
+Collecting from branches +1 working day